Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy

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Is A Maid Worth It?

Is A Maid Worth The Money Or Should I Just Clean Myself?

Picture this: It's a beautiful summer day and you're laying out in the sun, a cold drink by your side, your favorite music playing softly in the background, and you're reading one of your favorite books.

Someone comes to tell you your home is almost finished being cleaned.

That's the dream, isn't it? Spending the weekend relaxing and doing whatever you want since you have so much free time. 

But hold on a minute.

Before you get there — you know, to all the good stuff — there's a lot that needs to happen first, like actually finding a maid, hiring a maid service, making sure everything is being cleaned, and preparing for a lot of quality leisure time.

Hiring a maid certainly sounds like a dream come true. And if you have the means to afford one you may want to make that dream a reality. This kind of service isn't limited to the rich and powerful, you see, many regular people rely on maids to keep their homes tidy when they can't manage it themselves.

But you can’t help but wonder, is a maid worth it? Join us as we unravel the answer to this interesting question.

Finding A Maid

First things first, in order to figure out if a maid is even worth it, you must find one.

But finding the right maid is so much more than just finding someone who's willing to vacuum and dust. It’s all about finding a trustworthy, responsible, and loyal maid.

After all, you wouldn’t let just anyone enter your house since they’ll be interacting with your pets, children, and valuable belongings.

So how do you find a maid who meets your cleaning needs while maintaining your trust? Here's what to know.

Thanks to modern technological advancements, we have platforms like Google and Yelp to make our search for a good maid service so much easier! You can find almost any type of maid business on Google & Yelp. You just have to search up key terms on the search bar (i.e. maid service, cleaning service, or the name of a specific business) and include your location to set the geographic region you want to search (i.e. city, neighborhood, or your current location).
Once you click enter, you’ll see a bunch of websites pop up. These websites belong to the top maid service providers in a given location. These websites are displayed on the search result pages in an order reflecting their rank. In other words, being at the top of the page means the website is highly authoritative and very relevant. That makes sense since Google and Yelp’s main objective is to show their users the best results in a given query. So you’ll want to go with one of the websites that rank high on the first page.

Another key element here is to go through the online reviews for the specific maid service you’re taking into account. You see Google and Yelp let their users write reviews for any business. You as the customer should take advantage of this feature since you want detailed first-hand information from online peers to help you make decisions and become informed about the customer experience.

Of course, before the digital era, consumers relied on family and friends to get an inside scoop of what a business is all about. Well, friends and families are still making those recommendations. So start off your search by asking neighbors, friends, and relatives for recommendations on their favorite maid. You might get the tipoff to a local, independent maid or corporate maid service.

Independent Maid vs Corporate Maid Service

When it comes down to hiring a maid, you have two options to consider. One of them is an independent maid and the other is a maid company.

There are definitely pros and cons to consider for each. It’s all about finding what works best for you.

A benefit of hiring a corporate maid service is that they are insured & bonded, conduct proper background checks on their workers, and have greater reliability. Scheduling is usually flexible since these companies have multiple employees.

Moreover, professional companies’ training protocols tend to be more rigorous than those of independent cleaners, who may be self-taught or rely on prior experience. Professional maid services are also more likely to act on customers’ complaints about inconsistent work.

On the other hand, maids that work independently generally cost less since they have no strings attached to a certain company. Moreover,100% of the money you pay goes to them.

Additionally, you may have better luck negotiating prices with independent cleaners, particularly if you promise them stable work. Independent maids operate on loose margins so they have a lot of negotiating power.

No matter which way you go, there’s no wrong choice.

Ultimately, you'll have to decide whether to go with a corporate maid service, which may have more systems in place for addressing concerns and doing background checks, or an independent maid, who may have a sweet presence in the community.

Just ask yourself what is the most important part of your hiring decision—price, time, reliability, flexibility, security, relationship, etc.— and let your answer guide you to the option that feels best to you.

At Seattle’s Green Cleaning Fairy, we add a very personal touch to each of our client’s homes. Many of our maids have been with us for years. They know the houses they clean very well because they regularly visit the same homes. Our maids are expertly trained, efficient, and professional. They focus on what they do best: provide you with a beautifully clean home. We are fully dedicated to providing top-quality maid services in the Seattle area. 

When you choose Seattle’s Green Cleaning Fairy, you can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands. Call (425) 943-9025 to book a maid service today!

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How Much Does A Maid Cost?

Although having a maid can reap a lot of benefits, we all have to face the cold reality which is in order to have a maid, there’s always a price to pay. But that’s normal because it’s just like everything else in life. Nothing is free, all nice things come with a price tag. The good thing here is that it might not be as expensive as you thought!

According to Home Advisor, the typical maid cost is anywhere between $116 - $235.

A lot of factors may influence this price, including the size & condition of your home, the type of service you want, and how often you want your maid to visit your home. Deep cleaning, washing dishes, and other special cleaning requests may increase the price as well.

Moreover when looking for a maid, the maids' level of experience, as well as whether you hire an individual or a team, will impact how much you pay. As with all home services, talk over the specifics with your maid before she starts work to make sure that you're all on the same page about what you want to be done.

When hiring a maid service, they’ll usually bill you either a flat rate or an hourly rate. For flat-rate, you’ll pay a set price for the job done based on the square footage of your home. In contrast, the hourly rate is based on the amount of time the service takes which means you’ll pay a set amount for each hour of work.

Granted, if you have a maid come over often, you generally get a discount of 5% to 15% depending on the frequency of their visits. Weekly visits will cost less than monthly visits.

Do I Need A Maid?

If you want your home cleaned at the highest possible level and relish the benefits of a clean home, then a maid could definitely be worth a shot. Some people are just better at cleaning than others.

Maids just happen to be incredibly efficient at cleaning.

Just imagine you leave for work at 8:30 a.m and the maid arrives shortly before you leave for work that morning. You pay her and then head off to your workplace.

Time passes by and when you return home that evening you just can’t believe what she has done to your apartment. You hardly recognize your own home. The apartment is so clean and polished up that you even think you’re in a different place!

That’s the power of maids. Not only are they extremely detail-oriented when it comes to cleaning but they’re also very quick on their feet. What they do in one hour would take the average person a whole day to finish. That’s just the truth, I wish I was exaggerating.

They go to work feverishly. They start by cleaning the bathroom, then wiping down the furniture, washing the dishes, and wiping the floors. A two-bedroom apartment polished as a whistle end-to-end, all done within an hour!

Their charges? Like we already said, it varies on a lot of elements but the cost range is from $116 to $235.

Believe me, compared to the cost of just one fine dinner and aside from the fact that you employ some of the most hardworking and deserving persons, even in terms of pure self-interest, it would be one of THE MOST efficient uses of your money.

So yes, if you can afford it, hire a maid. It’s a no-brainer and it’s worth every penny.

Seattle’s Green Cleaning Fairy is proud to be widely recognized as Seattle’s #1 rated maid service! Our environmentally friendly products help ensure that we not only deliver an exceptional cleaning experience but one that is also safe for your family. Our services are backed by our 100% happiness guarantee. Contact us today! We’re to answer any of your inquiries.

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Embarrassed To Hire A Maid

Even if you believe your home is too messy for a maid service, rest assured they’ve probably seen worse. Your home is never too dirty for a professional maid service. But if you’re hiring a maid to do the hard work, don’t make the job even harder. Following these insider tips from our cleaning experts will not only help ensure your status as a decent human being, but they can also help you save some cash.

There's a reason the phrase "cleaning up for the maid" exists. Regardless of what type of service you seek, it can be helpful to clear up clutter ahead of time so the maid can focus on a thorough clean. Try to get rid of all your clutter, otherwise, it will take your maids twice as long.

Let this stick to your head, any time spent picking up is time not spent cleaning.

So pick up clothes, toys, and anything that’s lying on the floor. Figure out which newspapers and magazines you need to keep and recycle the rest. Put away fragile and irreplaceable personal belongings. If you can't put them away, point them out to your maid so they know to be extra careful around them.

Don't worry about anyone's side-eyeing your mess. Professional maids honestly don't judge you if your home is dirty. Odds are, they have seen worse.

At Seattle’s Green Cleaning Fairy, we’re here to simply clean your home. We’re not here to pass judgment on you for the condition your home is in. We completely understand it’s natural for you to miss cleanings because sometimes life gets too. That’s why we’re here.

Feel free to watch our video below to see what our maid services entail.

Is the Expense Of Getting A Maid Worth It?

Put simply, yes.

A professional maid can clean much better than a regular person. They will keep your home flawless and prevent it from descending into disgustingness. At the same time, they will give you back so much of your precious free time.
This one splurge will change your life hands down. Trust me you’ll come to appreciate how they save you from many dreaded household chores.

You’ll no longer spend weekends crying just by looking at your messy home. Long gone are the days of waking up wishing you could hang with your family because there are just too many chores to do.

On the contrary, you’ll have so much free time you won’t even know what to do with it. If that’s not worth a couple of hundred bucks every few weeks, I don’t know what is.

Don’t take my word for it though. As a final thought, we would like to share with you all the wise words of Reddit user u/DirkNowitzkisWife

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  1. “Learn How Much It Costs to Hire a Maid Service.” HomeAdvisor, Accessed On 14 June 2021.

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