How do professional house cleaners clean a house?
How To Clean Your Home Like A Professional House Cleaner
How do professional house cleaners clean a house?
“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”, said Kevin Durant, a 2x NBA champion. I couldn't agree more with Durant’s words.
There is a common misbelief that successful people like professional athletes, successful businessmen, and amazing inventors were born with a god-given talent which is the main reason they are successful.
This mentality is downright wrong. Successful individuals put an extraordinary amount of time into their craft. Not only that, but they constantly push themselves to work hard and work smart.
I believe the level of hard work and commitment you put into what you want in life is the key to success. Talent is simply not enough. To be the best you have to put the work in.
The same concept applies to professional house cleaners. They have dedicated a lot of time to research, practice, and figure out what the most efficient way to clean is. In this blog, you will learn how professional house cleaners do their thing.
Professional house cleaners gather all of their cleaning supplies ahead of time
They do not waste time buying cleaning supplies or trying to find them last minute.
Some of the cleaning supplies they may have are an all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, microfiber towels, broom, vacuum, mask, disposable gloves, and so on.
To achieve the best results, they utilize the most appropriate cleaning products and tools . At the same time, house cleaners are very careful about their cleaning procedure that they study all their cleaning products labels beforehand to know what it can be used on and what it cannot be used on.
Essentially, they take the necessary precautions to ensure your home is safe and unharmed during the cleaning process.
The supplies are placed in a very easily accessible space so they can reach for them quicker. It is in their best interest to get the cleaning done as quickly as possible so they can move on to the next client.
Professional house cleaners have a strategic cleaning plan for each home
Once they enter a room, they know precisely what they need to do.
They visualize every room like a clock. Their entry point is 12 o’clock and each hour after 12 represents a section of the room they need to clean. What they do is work their way around the “clock” that way an area of the room is never skipped.
Every corner and section is thoroughly cleaned because they are working in a meticulous manner.
That is their pattern, it is cemented in their brain, and that way they get everything done efficiently and quickly.
The first phase of cleaning
During the initial phase, professional house cleaners dedicate time to finding items in a room that do not belong there. Anything that does not belong there will be tossed in a basket so it can be placed in its appropriate location sometime later.
Now, if they’re organizing a room that requires more heavy-duty like the kitchen, they may have to pre-treat some of the surfaces to make the next phase easier to undertake.
Professional house cleaners are very smart about the way they spend their time cleaning. For instance, professional house cleaners understand the concept of pre-treating a surface very well. On the other hand, the majority of people have no idea what pre-treating is.
Pre-treating is essentially the process of soaking a surface or object with a cleaning product. By doing this, you make the product work for you because the product needs time to dwell on the surface to work effectively.
This may be hard for one to understand because we constantly see on television commercials how quick and easy it is to get rid of tough stains. The commercial actor just soaks the dirty surface with their sponsored cleaning product, wipes it down, and in a matter of seconds, voila it’s crystal clear.
But one must remember, these businesses have the ability to edit their commercials before they show it to millions of people. What you see on television is not reality.
Therefore, what professional house cleaners do is if they notice a certain spot requires extra work they will soak it with the appropriate cleaning product (pre-treating). While the product works its magic, the cleaner will work on something else. After 5-10 minutes, the product has done most of the work. Now, all the cleaner has to do is wipe it down during phase 2.
The reason why this reorganization procedure is so crucial is because after they get rid of all the clutter in the room they can easily see which particular spots require extra attention.
After they’re done reorganizing the room, they move on to their second phase.
The second phase is where the actual cleaning takes place.
Professional house cleaners will usually scan the room from top to bottom.
As they visually scan the room, they may notice something dirty so they get right to work.
If they’re in a general room they will be getting rid of dirt, dust, and make the room look polished.
Since what goes up must come down, professional house cleaners work from top to bottom to avoid recleaning a surface. Moreover, they will be disinfecting areas that are frequently touched and wiping down the areas they pre-treated in phase 1.
According to the CDC, for a disinfectant to work properly one has to apply the right amount of product to the surface and let it dwell there for at least 3 minutes. Of course, the dwell time will vary depending on the product you are using.
The point is professional house cleaners are properly trained to use their products and follow the best practices for cleanliness.
Professional house cleaners will not waste time sweeping dirt into their hands and throwing it into the garbage. They do not have time for that, so they just throw everything onto the floor because they will deal with that in phase 3.
It may sound like a lot to do, but professional house cleaners have done this so many times that they literally zoom around the room.
After the cleaning phase is done, they move on to phase 3.
The third and final phase
In the course of phase 3, professional house cleaners deal with vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping the floors.
They always start at the opposite corner to the entrance of the room. Consequently, they clean their way out of the room and avoid walking over their freshly cleaned floors.
The longer they keep it looking fresh, the better the client feels.
After they are done with phase 3, they look around the room to see if they missed anything.
Most of the time they do not forget to clean anything, but if they do notice an area that is still dirty they will definitely fix it before they leave your house.
If you decide you need help from the best cleaners out there, we encourage you to contact us for a free quote!